I was so excited to get an email from my friend Paula saying her and her family were coming into town. I hadn't seen them in over 4 years and hadn't really got to spend time with them in longer than that. We made plans to get together at my parents house for dinner. We had a blast laughing and talking and just catching up on life. Paula's parents Bro Tim and Mrs Robbie had been our Youth Pastor at our old church so we have know them forever. We got to meet Paula and Jordan's little boy Luke who is a month older than Braelyn. We say that they are going to get married one day. How do you think they will feel about an arraigned marriage...lol. They are both so stinkin cute I think they will be okay with it.

Paula, My Mom, Me,
Braelyn and Mrs Robbie

Me and Paula(She was the first tiny baby I had ever
held)...Wow I feel old!!

Me and Mrs Robbie...isn't she beautiful. I want her skin. Well skin like hers cause that would be weird...
Braelyn and her fella.....aka Luke

Luke is the sweetest and best baby I have ever seen. He came in and the first thing he did was go to the kids and touch or hug them. Luke and Colt became buddies!

My mom and Paula

My Dad and Paula
Bro Tim, Mrs Robbie,
Darra and Mark

The Jones Family